Breath of the Universe - Exhaling Life in Cosmic Cadence - Poem Lyrics in English


Breath of the Universe - Exhaling Life in Cosmic Cadence - Poem Lyrics in English

In the vast expanse of space, a cosmic dance,

The universe breathes, in a rhythmic trance.

Exhaling life in patterns so grand,

A symphony of stars, across the celestial land.

With each celestial breath, galaxies unfurl,

Planets are born, in a cosmic swirl.

Nebulas bloom, in colors so divine,

In the breath of the universe, we all entwine.

The stars, like shimmering notes in the night,

Compose a celestial song, with radiant light.

Their twinkle and shine, in the cosmic expanse,

Echo the heartbeat of creation's advance.

Black holes and quasars, in the cosmic ballet,

Add gravity's weight, in their mysterious way.

Yet in this grand orchestra, a harmony's found,

In the breath of the universe, we are all bound.

From the tiniest atom to the galaxies afar,

Life emerges, like a brilliant star.

In the cosmic cadence, we find our place,

A part of the universe, in its infinite grace.

So let us remember, as we gaze at the skies,

That we're stardust beings, with cosmic ties.

In the breath of the universe, we're all a part,

Exhaling life's wonder, with a cosmic heart.

In the vast expanse of cosmic wonder,

The universe breathes, a spell we're under.

A rhythmic cadence, ancient and profound,

A symphony of life, in every bound.

Breath of the Universe - Exhaling Life in Cosmic Cadence - Poem Lyrics in English
Breath of the Universe - Exhaling Life in Cosmic Cadence - Poem Lyrics in English

With each inhale, stars ignite and flare,

A cosmic ballet, beyond compare.

Nebulas swirl, galaxies spin,

As the universe takes a breath, once again.

Exhaling in brilliance, creating with grace,

Planets and moons, each in their own space.

Breath of the universe, in endless flow,

Life's masterpiece, in a celestial glow.

In the dance of atoms, in the birth of a star,

In the whispers of comets, from near and afar,

We find the echoes of our own existence,

In the breath of the universe's timeless persistence.

With every exhale, new worlds take flight,

In the cosmic canvas, painted with light.

A cosmic heartbeat, a celestial trance,

Breath of the universe, in cosmic romance.

So, let us marvel at this cosmic display,

In the grand design of night and day.

For in the breath of the universe, we find our place,

Exhaling life, in cosmic cadence's embrace.

In the cosmic expanse where galaxies twirl,

Exists a rhythm, a dance, a celestial swirl.

The universe breathes, in cadence sublime,

Exhaling life through the corridors of time.

With each cosmic inhale, stars are born,

In the stellar nurseries, new worlds adorn.

Nebulas and novas, in colors so vast,

In the breath of the universe, they're cast.

The exhale of creation, a cosmic breeze,

Spreads life like pollen on celestial trees.

Planets take form in the breath's gentle flow,

In the grand cosmic theater, they steal the show.

In the silence of space, where no words are heard,

The universe sings, like a melodious bird.

Its breath, a symphony of matter and light,

In the vastness of space, it takes flight.

Black holes and quasars, in the cosmic ballet,

Dance to the rhythm of night and day.

In the breath of the universe, they play their part,

Weaving the fabric of existence with exquisite art.

And on our tiny blue dot, so far from the source,

We breathe the same air, ride the same cosmic course.

In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, we reside,

A breath of the universe, in us, does abide.

So look up to the stars, and feel the cosmic trance,

In the breath of the universe, we find our chance.

To marvel at the beauty, the mystery, the grace,

As life unfolds in the cosmic embrace.

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