Whispers of the Heartwood - Secrets Shared by Ancient Trees - Poem Lyrics in English


Whispers of the Heartwood - Secrets Shared by Ancient Trees - Poem Lyrics in English

In the forest's cathedral, where time stands still,

Ancient trees guard secrets, in quiet and chill.

Their heartwood holds wisdom, stories untold,

Whispers of the heartwood, in branches so old.

With roots deep in earth, and branches that reach,

These sentinels of nature, the forest's speech.

In the rustle of leaves, in the songs of the breeze,

The heartwood shares secrets, with such gentle ease.

Through centuries of silence, they've witnessed it all,

The rise and the fall, of the great and the small.

In their steady presence, we find our reprieve,

As the heartwood's whispers, in the wind, they believe.

They've seen empires crumble, and new life take flight,

In the whispers of the heartwood, there's wisdom and light.

With the passage of seasons, their stories unfold,

In the heart of the forest, where mysteries are told.

So listen closely, as you wander the glade,

For the heartwood's whispers, in the stillness, they fade.

In the secrets they share, we find our own part,

In the whispers of the heartwood, a connection at heart.

Whispers of the Heartwood - Secrets Shared by Ancient Trees - Poem Lyrics in English
Whispers of the Heartwood - Secrets Shared by Ancient Trees - Poem Lyrics in English

In the heart of the forest, where time stands still,

Ancient trees keep their secrets, with wisdom to instill.

Whispers of the heartwood, in their branches, we find,

A sanctuary of nature, in the quiet of the mind.

In the heart of the forest, where time stands still,

Amongst the ancient trees, a tranquil, sacred chill.

The heartwood holds stories, as old as the earth,

Whispers of the ages, of life's endless rebirth.

Their roots delve deep into the earth's embrace,

Drawing wisdom and strength, in a timeless pace.

As seasons come and go, their branches reach high,

In whispers of the heartwood, ancient tales lie.

They've witnessed the dawn of countless days,

And the hush of nightfall, in a thousand ways.

With leaves like pages, in the book of time,

They've shared their secrets in rhythm and rhyme.

Each tree a sentinel, a keeper of the land,

With bark that tells stories, like lines in a hand.

In the whispers of the heartwood, we find our guide,

To the mysteries of nature, where spirits reside.

Birds make their nests, and critters take shelter,

In the embrace of these giants, where dreams do swelter.

In the quiet of the woods, where shadows partake,

We listen to their whispers, a solace to partake.

So, let us honor the heartwood, these ancient trees,

As they share their secrets, carried on the breeze.

In the whispers of the heartwood, our spirits find peace,

A connection to nature, where all worries cease.

In the heart of the forest, where giants reside,

Ancient trees stand tall, their secrets they hide.

But if you listen closely, you might just perceive,

The whispers of the heartwood, in the woods they conceive.

Their branches reach high, like arms to the sky,

In their timeless wisdom, they touch the divine.

Roots deep in the earth, a lifeline they share,

Whispers of the heartwood, a bond beyond compare.

Through centuries they've witnessed, the world's ebb and flow,

In their gnarled, rugged bark, the stories they know.

From seasons to ages, they've stood the test,

Whispers of the heartwood, in their strength, we're blessed.

They've sheltered the weary, and the creatures of the night,

In their quiet embrace, they bring solace and light.

The heartwood's secrets, a treasure so grand,

Whispers of the heartwood, in the forest they stand.

In the rustling leaves, in the wind's gentle breeze,

In the heartwood's whispers, the ancient trees ease.

They speak of resilience, of life's endless dance,

Whispers of the heartwood, in their branches, enhance.

So if you venture deep into the woods' sacred space,

Amongst the ancient trees, find a quiet place.

Listen closely to their secrets, and you'll believe,

In the whispers of the heartwood, where stories conceive.

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